Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Credit vs Debit - Which Card To Use?

If you carry both a debit card and a credit card in your wallet you may have wondered which card is best to use. You're not alone, so in this edition of Money Minute we give you quick tips on when to use which card.

Just remember it's really all about what you're trying to accomplish - whether it's to save money by only using what's available in your checking account (debit card) or to build credit or collect reward points (credit card) the ultimate decision is all yours!



  1. Does not fully explains the benefits poorly done

  2. So what happens if my debit card is compromised and funds are withdrawn? Now I'm scrambling to recover lost cash. No guarantees of full recovery ---Right?

    1. If your debit card has the Visa logo on it then the funds are protected from fraudulent charges and withdrawals.


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