Monday, February 29, 2016


Living life in the fast lane is something most of us are accustom to. Between school, work, and trying to have a social life sometimes we can forget what the inside of our home looks like. I know what that’s like because it happens to me often. No matter what stage of life you’re in, you’ve experienced living life in the fast lane. Being so busy that things sometimes slip through the cracks like keeping up with your finances, or forgetting to turn in an assignment or even waking up and not knowing what day it is… yes, this one happens to me a lot. Don’t laugh, my mind has so much going on that it’s easy to forget simple things as a Monday. 

But, I’ve found that no matter how busy I am… my cell phone is always on me. Think about it, do you ever leave home without your cell phone? I’ve actually turned around because I forgot mine. While cell phones have drastically changed our society they have many great perks for all of us that are on the go… like mobile banking.

I’ve found I use mobile banking a lot to help me keep track of my spending. It’s become my budgeting- on-the go tool Tropical Financials Mobile Banking app, I can see my account activity, I can transfer money, I can pay my bills, and I can deposit checks and even accept offers to earn cash back on my purchases. Its life made simple.

All month, I’ve talked about various ways to budget. From creating a budget, to coupling your finances and even being impulsive when the time calls for it and what better way to keep track of that budget than with your cell phone. It’s always on you and allows easy access for you to glance at your accounts.

If you have yet to download the app, you’re missing out! Not only does it take away the stress of knowing how much is in my checking account at all times, it allows me to transfer money in times of need. There is nothing worse than making a purchase and having your card denied. I’ve been there, done that and it was so embarrassing. So now when I know I have to run out for something, I check my account or my budget-on-the- go as I like to call it and I can see what is taking place with my finances.

I am all about quick solutions for sticking with my budget especially with life on the go.
So, what are you waiting for? Check out the Tropical Financial app and be sure to stay up to date with your budget on the go. Trust me, you’ll be thankful you have this extra resource.


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