Tuesday, December 31, 2013

HAPPY 2014!

2014 is TOMORROW! As I begin our big countdown, I know I will review the past year, and subconsciously begin my list of New Year resolutions. Remember: all great accomplishments take time and dedication. The common resolutions are:
  • Get Fit
  • Increase Healthy Eating Habits
  • Save Money
  • Manage Debt

Here are a few tips on some to maintain these resolutions: 
Getting Fit: Commit to a 30 Minute routine. This can be as simple as walking to the entrance of where you work or even a few blocks around your neighborhood. Build the endurance and schedule four sessions per week. Don’t forget to change up the location, music and tempo to prevent boredom. Tip: Take your furry pet along with you for the walk.
Increase Healthy Eating: Meal Plans. Enter the grocery store with a meal plan for the week. Not only will this save you money, but it will slim your waist line. Making homemade chicken and vegetable mash will still be a healthier meal than the drive thru alternative. Tip: Pack snacks such as almonds and raisins to prevent the afternoon visit to the vending machine. Check out the weekly ads online and work your meal plans around discounted options.
Save Money: By curbing spending habits at the grocery store, you’re eliminating dining out. Dining out regularly will take a hit on your disposable income. Tip: Take a look at your “extra” purchases, and see if any reoccurring items can be purchased monthly rather than bi-weekly.   Take a look at your small monthly commitments, and determine if you’re fully utilizing all of your memberships.
Manage Debt: By tackling the three previous resolutions, you’ve already created a foundation on managing your debt. Create a ledger of your monthly requirements (power, water, etc.) and revolving debt. List all debts from highest to lowest interest rate. By focusing on the higher rates first in addition to your newly discovered disposable income, you’ll be able to pay off your debt at a faster pace. Tip: Once you’ve accomplished paying off each revolving debt, make sure you keep the last statement or final payment letter for credit reporting purposes. There is a website authorized by the Federal government called annualcreditreport.com. This site will provide you with one free credit report from each major credit bureau. By managing your debt and annually reviewing your credit report you:
  • Confirm your credit is reported accurately
  • Reduce your income to debt ratio
  • Are able to prevent identify thief charges
  • Prepare your credit for new financial purchases  

I hope you all have a wonderful new and prosperous year and I hope the suggestions and New Year resolutions recommendations I’ve made assist you in your financial goals for 2014.
Happy Savings!


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