Monday, February 9, 2015


I LOVE to shop. Buying new things, adding to my wardrobe and getting new accessories to match is one of my favorite things. Most of the time, my shopping is want not need which isn’t always the best habit to have. I am a pushover when it comes to sales. If I can save some money, on purchases I’m happy because that means more to spend. I know, it’s not a very good theory but it’s one I’ve grown to love! More bang for your buck! But are my shopping habits costing me more in the long run?

While most of my purchases are not needs but wants, when I see how much I saved on my receipt I become very happy!

1) Buying Too Cheap: Buying too cheap and later regretting it.
I’ve done this many times and I’ve learned the hard way. I use to find myself shopping at cheaper stores. I felt it was the same style what could go wrong? Well, that shirt was a one wash shirt, and that dress I loved is now a shirt and those jeans well, let’s just say they needed to be trashed. While my initial purchase was cheap, I paid more in the long run because now I needed to buy more clothes.

2) Store Credit Card for discount: DO NOT OPEN THAT CARD!
I’ve gotten caught up in the “Save 10% if you open up a credit card”. It sounds great right then and there, but there are better ways to save money, for instance, coupons. Often times you can find coupons that you give the same 10% off. Also be sure to check for text messaging marketing. Many times when you sign up you’ll get an instant discount for your next purchase. And there are tons of coupon apps out there… Retail Me Not, SnipSnap, Coupons and so many more. Use these apps rather than opening a credit card. Another way to save while avoiding a credit card is coupon books. At the outlet malls if you go to the information desk and show them a AAA card, you will get a FREE coupon book. They have discounts such as spend $100 get 20% off or spend $75 get $10 off. The amounts vary based on the store. In some stores, I received free clothes because of the discount.

3) Shopping a Sale Just because: Really, Just because!
Recently, I have found, I’ve become this person. And it’s terrible. I get text alerts with discount codes and I think, “I have to have that!” But, I don’t need it, I want it and that can be the biggest money making mistake, shopping just because. Try shopping when you need something this way you stay focused and you don’t wonder off looking for things that are cute or items that you want.

4) Buying in Bulk too often: Buying in bulk is great… but not for everything!
Wholesale shopping is great for things like paper towels, paper plates and even cups but who needs 10 pounds of potatoes? Avoid buying fruits and vegetables in bulk, they will go bad before you can consume them.

5) The Free Shipping Mistake: Don’t buy because it’s free shipping.
This goes back to shopping just because there is a sale. It’s the same concept. If you get an e-mail about free shipping it doesn’t mean you need to buy $100 worth of useless items. Buy what you need and pay that $2.99 shipping if you have to. Look at the big picture, a textbook cost $10. Shipping is $2.99, that’s $12.99 for your textbook.

6) Worthless Warranties: Paying a high price when it’s cheaper to buy new.
Electronics are always changing, each day new items come onto the market. Really investigate a warranty. Sometimes, it’s cheaper to buy a new TV if something goes wrong than it is to pay for an extended warranty that doesn’t cover much.

7) Driving Extra Miles: Gas and time are money!
While you’re driving around looking for those bargains, you’re using your time and spending your gas money on useless miles. Think about it, if you live in an hour away from an outlet mall, you’ll spend more time and spend more money on gas than if you went to the mall 10 minutes from your house for the same item.

Next time you find yourself shopping and spending money, think back to some of these tips and see if you can avoid spending money where it’s not needed. Ladies, I know that purse is stunning and gentleman those tools would be great but are they needed? I know this is hard to do as I LOVE to shop and find myself doing many of the things listed above. But in the long run you were be glad you held back from the unnecessary purchase.

Don’t waste your hard earned money, be sure to shop smart.

Until Next Time— Spend Wisely,


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