Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Have you ever stopped to think about your “carbon footprint” and how YOU are impacting the Earth? I mean, we only have ONE earth if you think about it. All you have to do is change one behavior to make a positive impact on our Earth, and know, one person can make a difference. According the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 by 22 Million Americans who celebrated having clean air, land and water. So, how can we as an individual or as a community give back on Earth Day?

It’s simple, just change our habits. 

This Earth Day, I want you to take on a challenge, a challenge that isn't just for the day but for a lifetime. After all, ever day should be Earth Day.

Reduce Food Waste: According to the EPA, one-third of the food we produce and buy gets thrown into landfill each year. So, how can we fix this? Simple. Buy the foods that we need. This means taking the time to plan your meals ahead of time and buying only the items that are necessary.
Reuse and recycle: Instead of using plastic grocery bags, use a reusable bag, Hint: You can stop by any Tropical Financial Branch and pick one up in honor of Earth Day. Not only are they sturdy but they are a great way to carry groceries, a great way to pack snacks when it comes to a road trip and they are also great for carrying work files when your briefcase has run out of room.

Turn it off: Often times when we brush our teeth, we leave the water running. By turning off the water, you can save about 8 gallons of water. That’s a lot of water that could be put to good use. Plus, you’ll even be saving some money in your pocket. But, there are more things than water that we can turn off. Like your fans and lights. How often do you leave a room and leave both the fans and lights on. Well, turn them off and help reduce carbon pollution. As easy as it is to turn these items on… it’s just as easy to turn them off.

There are many steps that we can do as individuals and a community to better our planet. Look at some of your day to day activities and see how you can make changes to make a difference. For more tips and tricks on how you can give back as well as volunteer this Earth Day, be sure to visit the EPA site.

Happy Earth Day!


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