Wednesday, March 30, 2016

April Fools Pranks!

I am all about some April fool’s fun… when I’m the one playing the jokes. However, I am not very creative with jokes and I tend to blow my cover before the joke unfolds. But, thanks to others being creative and the use of Pinterest, I have found some fun, funny and harmless April fool’s pranks!

Paint a bar of soap with clear finger nail polish and leave it in the shower.  It will still look like your general bar of soap, however, it will not create any suds or lather. So it will create a little bit of frustration but will give you a great laugh later on.

What about desert, is it your night to cook? Maybe you want to make a special desert for the evening. Try Mashed Potato Sundaes. This is super easy to make, cook up some instant mashed potatoes, and grab a can of gravy. Fill up the cup, or bowl with the mashed potatoes, drizzle some gravy on top and add a cherry to the top just to confuse them!

If you and your co-worker always playing jokes on your team, here’s one to have them laughing! And the best part is, it will work over and over again. Grab a donuts box and fill it with veggies. Here they will think, “Yummy, something sweet” and the look on their face when they see the veggies will be priceless.

As I am writing this blog, I came across a great prank to pull on my mother. Yes, I know it’s mean but It will be the all-time best. If you know someone who is horrified of bugs, (Like my mom) grab an empty cup and write “Do Not open unless you plan to kill it” This will have them freaking out all day! I think I need to find a way to record this one, because it’s going to be awesome!

These are just a few ways to have some fun this April Fools. Feel free to comment below or share your prank ideas with us on facebook! We’d love to hear what our members are doing to have fun on April fool’s day.


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