Monday, November 19, 2012

Black Friday Survival Guide

As Thanksgiving approaches, the focus shifts from pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns and costumes to turkey, pumpkin pie, and family.  These are all happy thoughts and they make you feel warm and fuzzy.  But while the turkey tryptophan is beginning to take hold making you sleepy, you grab the nearest energy drink to get prepared for the impending mayhem known as “Black Friday.”
Back in the “good ole’ days” Black Friday madness began in the wee hours (meaning around 6am) Friday morning, but as more and more savvy shoppers have joined in the ritual the stores have begun opening earlier and earlier to the point where some never even close on Thanksgiving.  That makes it all the more important to be prepared as you plot your course for the day.  Steve and I got together and put together a list that we have found to be helpful in our own preparations:
1)      Make A ListCreate your list with a budget and STICK TO IT.  If you’ve been saving throughout the year with the Tropical Financial Holiday Club account, make sure to withdraw the money before Friday so you’re ready! If you haven’t, now is as good a time as any to start saving for next year to avoid putting unplanned purchases on credit cards and spending more than you intended.
2)      Check Your MailboxAs your mailbox fills with all those exciting offers, pay attention to the ones that match your shopping list.
3)      Go MobileMore and more apps are being created specifically to help you map out your Black Friday shopping experience, some with special promotions; do a search in your app store and read the reviews before choosing the one that works for you
4)      Cash Is KingOnce you have your list and have allocated how much you’re spending, when you take cash you aren’t tempted to spend more than you budgeted. BUT if you are taking cash, make sure you are keeping it in a safe place, like a fanny pack that sits around your waist and access is in front of you. I know they aren’t the most fashionable, but let’s face it Black Friday is a day of functionality, not fashion.
5)      Be ComfortableWear loose fitting clothes, along with your most comfortable shoes.  But please, do everyone a favor and leave the pajama pants at home, they may be comfortable, but ya gotta draw the line somewhere.
6)      Don’t Shop & DriveIf you’re lucky enough to have a friend/spouse who refuses to go shopping, but is willing to drive and drop you off you can avoid the stress of finding a parking spot.  Parking is often the first step in the stress for the day and if you can avoid that one, the rest of the day is oh so much easier. I’ve even known those who will take a cab, especially if their plan is stay at a mall all day; in the end it just might be worth it.
7)      SMILE SMILE SMILEBlack Friday IS one of the most stressful shopping days of the year, BUT it also can be a lot of fun. Remember to smile and breathe – the calmer you are the more enjoyable the experience will be, plus smiles can be contagious and you might just be helpful to another by sharing a smile.
8)      Block The NoiseA good friend of mine once told me she clips on her iPod before heading into a store, playing classical and holiday music. It blocks out the noise of the store and keeps her smiling through the day (see #6) – I think that’s brilliant and this year I will be giving it a try.
9)      Don’t Go HungryBlack Friday shopping is hard work – and requires plenty of energy to get you through the day. Smart shoppers make sure to pack a few protein bars, trail mix, raisins, or some other small snack that packs energy. Try to avoid too much to drink with it, nothing worse than needing a bathroom break while standing in line for that 52” TV you’ve been waiting 3 hours for!
10)   Stay Home
Yup, you heard me, skip Black Friday altogether and wait for the second biggest shopping day: Cyber Monday – where you can do all your shopping from the comfort of your home AND where pajamas are perfectly accepted attire.
^Steve and Amy

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