Monday, December 31, 2012

Make 2013 A Lucky One

Many cultures bring in the New Year in traditional ways to ensure that the coming year is a good one for their families.  Beyond the reflections of the previous year and the lists of resolutions, most of which fall to the wayside be February anyway, here’s a list of things gathered from other cultures that can help bring YOU luck for the coming year.
Start With What To Wear
It is said that you should wear white for good health and peace on New Year’s Eve and new clothes on New Year’s Day with red being the color of choice to help with a bright future.  In numerous cultures the color of your underwear will determine what’s in your future. Red means love and passion will be coming your way or if you’re all set in that department than try yellow which is said to bring the wearer wealth and happiness.
The Key To Good Luck Is Through The Stomach
It's all in the lentils with a tradition that started in Italy, but has been adopted by many other cultures. Eating lentils throughout the last day of the year will help the following year be filled with riches. Plus take a handful of uncooked lentils and throw them in your purse, briefcase, backpack or whatever you carry day to day and keep them there all year and money won’t be a problem. If you need a little more help in the monetary department, eating greens on New Years Eve are said to represent paper money coming your way, plus it’s just plain good for you.
One last food that you won’t want to do without is grapes. It is said you should eat 12 grapes for each chime of the clock at midnight to represent the 12 months of the coming yar. Each grape will bring sweetness and fortune for each of the 12 months of 2013.  In Portugal and Cuba those that follow this tradition also make a wish for each grape they eat and if they encounter a sour grape it is said that month will be a tough one.
In Greece they bake a loaf of bread with a coin in it and when it’s sliced, the person who gets the coin is said to be blessed with extra good luck.
Burn Baby Burn
Candles on New Year’s Eve holds meaning in Latin countries as a way to prosperity depending on the color of the candle. A yellow candle will help with your financial problems, while a green candle brings good health, a red candle brings love and passion, an orange candle for those who seek wisdom, and a blue candle will bring peace.
Another  tradition taken from the Latin culture is to write down everything that has caused you problems in 2012 before midnight and then burn the list to put it all behind you and start the year out fresh!
Another way to rid yourself of the suffering from 2012 is to throw a glass or bucket (depending on how many problems you’ve encountered) out into the street….maybe throw it on the fire you created when you were buring that huge list... it might give that water a little more purpose.
Money Money Money
It is said you should avoid lending money or paying any bills on New Years Day.   To  do so means you’ll be paying out all year. So if you use Tropical Financial BillPay, wait until the 2nd to schedule or pay those bills.
It’s also a tradition in some countries to hold dollar bills in your hand at the stroke of midnight to bring financial prosperity in 2013, it should be your own money and keep in mind that the larger the denomination of those bills the better results!  To add to your financial luck, take a gold ring and drop it in the drink you plan to toast with at midnight.
Who Needs The Mistletoe?
Right here in the United States the tradition of kissing at midnight started and it started to purify everything that is evil. To miss the opportunity means a year of hard-heartedness.  If you’ve found your love, but they don’t know it, it is said that if you wrap a red ribbon around their picture and put it under your pillow that night you’ll find the love with that person you’ve been waiting for.  For those just looking, it is said that just after midnight you should sit down and stand up three times quickly…of course if anyone gives you a strange look just blame the champagne.
No matter what your traditions or beliefs, from all of us here at Tropical Financial Credit Union we wish you and your family a very happy, safe and prosperous New Year!!!
Traditions listed here along with additional ones can be found at ,,, , and

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