Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Relay For Life - A Successful And Moving Experience

Some of the Tropical Financial Credit Union team members
for Relay For Life. The team raised more than $7,000!
This past weekend 27 employees of Tropical Financial Credit Union along with their families walked the track at Walter C. Young Middle School in Pembroke Pines in the annual Relay For Life event.  I’m VERY proud of everyone on the Tropical team, especially by the fact that we raised and donated $7,129.68 in the fight against cancer.  It wasn’t just the employees who helped raise that money – our members helped by donating over the last few months at local branches and even online.  In the true spirit of community we came together as one and surpassed our team goal of $5,000!

As part of our team donation we had sponsored what I consider to be the most moving portion of the event:  the Luminaria ceremony.  This is the part of the evening when all the lights are turned off and the track is illuminated only by the glow of remembrance bags, each with a candle inside representing the memory of a lost loved one, or to honor a survivor who continues their battle against this terrible disease.  As we walked in silence around the track we were led by a bagpiper whose melodic sounds filled the air with songs like Amazing Grace.  You walked by people who would kneel or sit next to the candle they lit for their own loved one and had to really resist the urge to put your arms around them to bring them comfort.  But then you looked around and realized they were surrounded by the warmth and comfort of hundreds of people all sharing in their pain and in their hope.
The Luminaria ceremony is a time to remember
those that have passed and honor those that continue to
fight against cancer.
I believe there will come a day when we really do hear the good news that a cure for cancer has been found.  I also know without research dollars that day will be much further down the road than it should be.  Sometimes something as small as a one dollar bill could tip the scales, it could be THE dollar that helps fund the research that leads to the cure…you just never know.
Community involvement is part of the reason we exist as credit unions. On Friday and Saturday, that involvement was shared in a much greater community that was Relay For Life….for that I’m humbled and grateful.


1 comment:

  1. Humbled and grateful, you couldn't have said that any better. We all need to be humble and grateful for our bounties.


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