Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Keeping Track of Finances Is Like Child's Play

My grandson and granddaughter have a ton of toys, games, and books.  They have a great playroom where all of these are kept.  Everything in the playroom is systematically categorized.  There is a place for cars, dolls, books, balls, kitchen, and art.  As the saying goes:  “A place for everything and everything in its place."
So, what’s the big deal?  My daughter is an organization freak?  Actually, no—quite the opposite.  What drives her to keep things in order is that she can easily find a specific toy when the kids want it; she can make sure that all the parts to all the games are kept together, and yes, she can also control what the kids are playing with.
Ok, great, so what does that have to do with credit unions and finances? 
I think about all of the places I spend money; for example, I pay my mortgage, buy groceries, and pay for auto, life, and homeowner's insurance.  I pay utilities, medical bills, pet expenses and so many other things.  And just like the kids' toys, if I want to keep organized, I must apply "a place for everything and everything in its place" to my finances.
I can easily find Chutes and Ladders, BuzLightyear ™ or the story of Cinderella in the playroom and I can easily find out what portion of my expenses goes for auto insurance or pet care or groceries using FINANCEWORKS.  My online  account at Tropical Financial Credit Union offers this handy dandy tool that tracks all expenses by category.  I simply look at my account and the multi-colored pie chart instantly shows me what my expenses are.  I can also set budgets and create goals. I can even set alerts to let me know if I'm getting close to budgeted amounts in different categories. It can’t get any easier!
Controlling what toys the kids play with is not much different than controlling how much I spend on dining, travel, or entertainment! 
It’s not a secret, it’s a system.  FINANCEWORKS – as a member of Tropical Financial Credit Union it is free when you sign up for online banking.  Need more information?  Give us a call at 305-261-8328 or outside Miami-Dade call 888-261-8328 so you can start organizing today!

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