Wednesday, November 27, 2013


My sisters and I are ready for
As we sit down at the dinner table the last Thursday of the month of November, surrounded by friends and family we share a meal prepared by all and give thanks for all the bountiful blessings we’ve experienced. My family finds this time of year to be extremely sacred. With every family, come traditions. My family’s tradition is a little off beat. As soon as we finish stuffing our faces and leaning back in our chairs, my older sister T finds her second wind. She opens her bottomless bag and presents the four remaining sisters the Holy Grail: five fat newspapers filled to max capacity with coupons and savings. Yes dear friends, thus begins the Black Friday Tradition. 

We sit around and make a game plan. We scope out the locations the day prior, and estimate wait times. Like in any mission, we’re prepared. We packed chairs, blankets, jackets, sodas, candy, gum, notes books, pens, shopping lists and our coupons. We price match and compare store vs. manufactory warranties. We believe in the honor code, and never cut the line. Last but not least, we have uniforms. We sport a t-shirt and festive holiday pajama pants.  “IT’S A SHOPPING THING” is proudly displayed on the front, and our designed Thing number on the back. Sneakers are mandatory.

While sitting in line, my sisters and I would look into our wallets and make financial decisions on which credit card would be used. At times, major deals and discounts were given to shoppers who purchased multiple items. This is where the sisterhood was tested. We thought it was best to place ALL gifts on one credit card, and sort the madness later. When you have a receipt that reaches the floor, we can celebrate the savings but one sibling has taken on a giant financial burden, which could lead to a complicated situation down the road. I was able to save a specific amount for Black Friday, but I consistently felt the financial hit during the holiday season. Starting the New Year in the red isn’t my ideal plan. Thankfully, Tropical Financial Credit Union has officially rolled out their Black Friday Loan of $1,000.00 for your holiday shopping. You have the convenience of completing your holiday list at once, without the financial burden. You have up to one calendar year to repay the loan, thus creating an excellent rapport for upcoming shopping year. Don’t forget, while you’re waiting in line, you’re able to monitor your accounts with our MobileWeb-Enabled Banking capabilities.

I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Black Friday Shopping,


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